Simonsen, Simon (1841-1928)

Simon Louis Ditlev Simonsen 

Munich, 19-01-1841-Copenhagen, 26-02-1928, painter

Nationality: Danish

Work Place: Denmark

Travel and stay abroad:

Paris, Chevreuse 1867-69, then through the Pyrenees and Marseille to Rome; Rome (s.m. Niels Simonsen) 1870; Paris, French and Italian Riviera, Southern Alps 1881; Netherlands and Belgium 1900.

Scholarships and honours:

Neuhausens 1859, 1861, 1867 per; Academy. 1863, 1866-69; Ancker 1881.


Charl. Spring 1859-1921; Academy., Sth. 1866; North. Dog show. 1872, 1883, 1888; Artist foren. of 18. Nov., 1882, 1942; Kleis ' Kunsthdl., Cph. 1892; Raadhusudst., Cph. 1901; Landsudst., Aarhus 1909.


Simon S like father Niels Simonsen joined the Group of artists who in the time between the two Schleswig wars were known as kosmopolitterne or Europeans. Well, encouraged by the Copenhagen Academy of art, he acquired a smooth and reliable paint naturalistic way and an iconography that originally, especially appealed to an international, aristocratic audience.

Herein is he related with Otto Bache, but S never reached popularity and recognition Baches. In an area could S however, compare with Bache, in these narratives, especially her depictions of animal hunting dogs. Especially dogs puppies painted S with an endearing charm, which admittedly is far from our century's conception of art, but as the unprejudiced observer also today can have pleasure of watching on.

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