Lyngbo, Christen (1871 - 1968)

Oster Vrøgum, 18-06-1871-Henne Strand, 09-12-1968, painter

Nationality: Danish

Company: Denmark


Malersv.; Technical. Sk., Kbh.; Kunstakad. KBH. (Otto Bache, Fr. Vermehren and Frants Henningsen) 1893-97.

Travel and stay abroad:

Sweden ca. 1899; Italy 1953.


Charl. Spring 1900-1901; KE 1904, 1909; Jutland's 1942. Solo exhibitions:

Højsk. the home's Floor, Varde 1907; Art Hall, Aage Hansen's Boghdl., Silkeborg 1918; B ' Kunsthdl., Cph. 1924; Skylight Hall, Esbjerg, 1929; The free Device. Bldg. 1935; Raadhussalen, Viborg 1938, 1945; Varde Mouse. 1952.


Christen Lyngbo was's, dune ternes and the West Jutland almues painter. In the early years he went to Copenhagen to go at the Academy, and for a time he employed himself with portrait painting. But after a year he decided to return to Jutland, where he settled down at Varde region, which he originated. He has portrayed many parts of Jutland, but mainly it was to motifs from and dunes by Henne, where he had his home. He belonged to the naturalistic school and regarded nature as his most important teacher. What he wanted, was to study nature's light and colors and not least cohesion between man and his surroundings. He portrayed the sprawling, Jutland landscape with its bright lights and high sky and a few grazing sheep. In its genre motifs, he concentrated on a single shape, often engrossed in his work, URf.eks a wife who make clay pots, or a fisherman who fined yarns. Both landscapes and the publication of these narratives give insight into a bygone era in the Danish commoners culture.

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