Kiærschou F.C. (1805-1891)

Frederik Christian Jacobsen Kiærschou

Copenhagen, 26-03-1805-Copenhagen, 05-06-1891, painter


Kunstakad. KBH., tegnesk., from 1820, 1. ornamentkl. 1824, modelsk. (C.W.

Eckersberg and J.L. Lund) 2.1.1830; at the same time, 3 years in the painter's teachings; 5 years of work. as a decorative painter; private student of Eckersberg.

Travel and stay abroad:

Sweden 1835; Dresden, Munich, Tyrol, Switzerland 1840; Sweden 1845, 1849 (Blekinge, Småland, Gotland).

Scholarships and honours:

Academy. AccessIT as landscape painter 24.9.1832, pengepr. 1833; Academy. 1841-42; agréeret by Kunstakad. KBH. 1843; eration. 1845; eration. of the Academy. in Sth. 1848; titular Prof. by Kunstakad. KBH. 1859; medl. housing at Charl. borg 1867.

Exhibitions (inter alia):

Charl. Spring 1826-41, 1843-54, 1856-62, 1864-92; Since. Painters from A for now, Kbh. Univ. 1843; verdensudst. Paris 1855; London 1862; Foren.

The future, Charl 1869, 1871; Castle. North. Kunstudst., Cph. 1872, 1883, 1888; Artist foren. of 18. Nov., 1882; Raadhusudst., Cph. 1901. Auctions:

Art foren., Cph. 15.6.1866.


F.c. Kiærskou selected early to train for landscape painter and was a student of Eckersberg, and J.L. Lund at the Academy of fine arts. The greatest influence of the Lad got promoted German-romantic landscape tradition that coloristic and kompositionelt had roots in Dutch 1600-century painting, and throughout his life remained the Foundation of Kiærschous landscape view. As l. Gurlitt and Th. Brendstrup represented Kiærschou an international landscape painting, which, on the basis of, among other things. Ruisdael and J.C. Dahl featured dramatic landscapes and grandiose nature, whether the motives were Danish or as often the Swiss Alps. Unwillingness to assimilate the Eckersberg school pre-naturalistic landskabssyn has given Kiærschou a peripheral location in the 1800-century Danish landscape art on a par with other artists, who maintained a romantic-idealistic vision of art.

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