Sørensen, C.F (1818-1879)

Carl Frederik Sørensen
Besser, 08-02-1818 - København, 24-01-1879, maler

Biography Full name: Carl Frederik Sörensen. Born on Feb. 8th 1818 in Besser, Denmark. Initially he worked a painter’s apprentice to become a journeyman painter. However, in 1834 he was admitted to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Copenhagen). In 1844 he took drawing lessons there (where he won the Silver Medal 2nd Class) and in 1846 he attended the Model School. Apart from that, he took private lessons from the famous C.W. Eckersberg (not surprisingly in perspective drawing) in 1845. Sörensen was a widely travelled artist. In 1846 he made a voyage to the Mediterranean with a Danish frigate (among other to Madeira) and after that he made almost annually voyages with warships, e.g. to Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and England (1853-54), to Italy (1864) and to Iceland (1874 accompanying King Chr. IX). In recognition of his talent and work he won several prizes, scholarships and awards: the Neuhausen Prize (1847), the Academy Travelling Scholarships (1853-54) and the Ancker award (1864). In 1856 he became a member of the Academy (Copenhagen) and in 1866 he became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (Stockholm). Furthermore he was made titular professor in 1869. Sörensen debuted at the esteemed Charlottenborg Spring Exhibitions in 1839 where he also exhibited during 1843-53 and 1856-79. He was also a frequent exhibitor abroad, e.g. at the Swedish Academy (several times during the perod 1850-77), at the World Exhibitions in Paris (1855 and 1878) and in Vienna (1873). C.F. Sörensen was to some extent influenced by C.W. Eckersbergs manner of seascape painting. However, his temper didn´t comply with the patience that had to be invested in Eckersbergs thorough depiction of masts and riggings. Instead he was interested in the elements the ships were placed under and his ideas were more direct and romantic and his manner was more picturesque and brilliant. It appears that the Melbye brothers had some influence on his artistic manner but he soon developed his own distinctive stylistic character. He had a marked sense for dramatic scenes but he liked idyllic scenes as well. His impressing scenes from the sea, though, won great admiration, not only in Denmark but certainly also abroad. During the 1st Schleswig War (1848-1850) he accompanied the Danish North Sea Fleet around Helgoland (1849) and the Danish Baltic Fleet (1850) and thus painted a series of paintings of Danish warships at war. He also visited somewhat unusual places (at least for a Danishman), among other Madeira, the British Channel islands and Iceland (the latter as mentioned above accompanying King Chr. IX). On these voyages he made a series of more subdued, but topographically interesting paintings that are counted among the most outstanding in his production. Sörensens seascapes are in high international demand as collector’s items.

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