Larsen, Emanuel (1823-1859)

Copenhagen, 15-09-1823-Copenhagen, 24-09-1859, painter

Company: Denmark


After being confirmed in the painter's teachings; Kunstakad. KBH. Jan. 1839, gipssk. 1845; cultivated as a pupil of C.W. Eckersberg and F.T. Kloss marine painting; Stud.

In addition, a transition with J.L. Lund.

Scholarships and honours:

Neuhausens Prize 1851; Akadiets travel scholar 1851-53.

Travel and stay abroad:

With naval ship to the Faroe Islands and Iceland 1845; England, Netherlands, Belgium, Paris and the South of France on the Mediterranean Sea in particular, 1852-54.

Exhibitions (inter alia):

Charl. Spring 1845-59; Kunstakad., Sth. 1850; North. Kunstudst., Cph. 1872; Raadhusudst., Cph. 1901; Works by then. Painters, Guildhall, London 1907.


Emanuel L's specialty was marine painting, which he cultivated in continuation of those of C.W. Eckersberg defined principles. There is a clear explanation of the detail as with his old master, but L gave the genre more vibrant movement and a romantic mood impact, as was Ecker's foreign art. Here came the influence from the Dutch marine painters, rather like he in the picturesque J.C. Dahl and William approached treatment Kyhns art, without, however, with the same security to master koloritten. As cartoonist and raderer came his properties significantly better to their right. He was on the stain in sønderjylland shortly after the three-year war broke out in 1848, and from this and the following year found a number of paintings, drawings and etchings by gunboats at the seaport and Dybbøl. Between skirmishes, there was an opportunity to portray the naval fleet in port. His natural area was among the ships in the Harbour and on the sound, but in 1852 he went to the West coast of Jutland and gave some compelling portrayals of the North Sea, where the forces of nature are playing crucial into man's daily movements.

In addition, he brought from his many travels in Europe, who went from the Mediterranean Sea in the South to Iceland in the North, and from the great maritime Nations England and Netherlands a volume of sketches, for further processing in the Studio.

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