Schiøttz-Jensen, N.F (1855-1941)

Niels Frederik Schiøttz-Jensen
Vordingborg, 05-02-1855-Copenhagen, 30-09-1941, painter

In trading learn; Kunstakad. KBH. 1873-79; ACAD. Colarossi, Paris, 1882-83.

Travel and stay abroad:
Paris 1882-83; Italy 1886, 1891; Africa (Tunis) 1901; Rome 1911.

Scholarships and honours:
Academy. 1886, 1895.

Exhibitions (inter alia):
Charl. Spring 1880-1941; Artist foren. of 18. Nov., 1882, 1921, 1942; KE 1904-05; North. Kunstudst., Cph. 1883, 1888; Raadhusudst. 1901; Landsudst., Aarhus 1909.

The NFB seeks Schiøttz-Jensen made himself noticed with his early realistic publication of her portrayals. In later images with motifs from, among other things. Italy and Tunis, fishing pictures, or young girls at the beach in Lønstrup stapled himself to a greater extent by various impressions and romantic nature, helping to underpin the anecdotal content.

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