Carlsen, Carl (1855-1917)

Carl Carlsen

Copenhagen, 28-02-1855-Copenhagen, 29-05-1917, painter Company: Denmark


In trading learn; Conn. to the Academy. by F.F. Helsted and sheets. C.v. N; Kunstakad. KBH., alm. Conn. kl. 1874, left modelsk. without the afg. 1879.

Travel and stay abroad:

Paris 1882-83.


Charl. Spring 1878-81, 1883-87, 1889, 1891-98, 1902, 1904; Artist foren. of 18. Nov. 1882; North. Kunstudst., Cph. 1883, 1888; Raadhusudst., Cph. 1901.


Carl Carlsen painted mainly genre pictures from the country as well as the city, often with an anecdotal content that equalled the social realistic. In addition, he exhibited in his later years landscape shots from Hellebæk.

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