Holm, Flemming

Flemming Holm, born on the island of Funen in 1948. Has over the years worked with modeling, granite, bronze, marble, installations and oil on canvas.

Debut at the artists ' Easter exhibition. Has also participated in a series of juried exhibitions at home and abroad. Has performed Commisions for private as well as public bodies, in addition to sales to art associations, financial institutions, etc.


"To be tough as stone".

An expression that many use negative,

 but for me the concept

 with a completely different meaning.

 The more tough the better.

 The fight begins.

 It's me who decides.

 The sound from the chisel against the beautiful blue bornholmer.

 The round form wins over the square block.

 Spine corrected, there will be quiet.

 Kling, kling klang, klang

 my "naughty" solsortven make fun of me.

 I wonder if it can enjoy the sculpture?

 I don't think so.

 So is it all yet not so wrong.

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